School-Wide Positive Behavior Support & Intervention
Mariposa-Nabi Primary Center is committed not only to developing the academic capabilities of its students but also behavioral and social skills that will enable our students to thrive. We firmly believe that:
Every student, preschooler through [second grade], has the right to be educated in a safe, respectful, and welcoming environment.
Every educator has the right to teach in an atmosphere free from disruption and obstacles that impede learning.
Discipline Foundation Policy (02/14/14)
El Centro Primario Mariposa-Nabi está comprometido no solo con el desarrollo de las capacidades académicas de sus estudiantes, sino también con las habilidades sociales y de comportamiento que permitirán a nuestros estudiantes prosperar. Creemos firmemente que:
Cada estudiante, desde preescolar hasta [segundo grado], tiene el derecho de ser educado en un ambiente seguro, respetuoso y acogedor.
Todo educador tiene derecho a enseñar en un ambiente libre de interrupciones y obstáculos que impidan el aprendizaje.
Política de la Fundación Disciplina (02/14/18)
Positive Behavior support - Instruction
Behavior expectations and consequences are explicitly taught, modeled and discussed. At school, these are the responsibilities of the administrator, teachers and support staff.
August 2018 - All staff member explain and demonstrate Mariposa-Nabi's procedures and behaviors.
Monthly - Teachers conduct behavior expectations "refreshers" 1st day of the month
January 2019 - Administrator will conduct character education sessions that focus on character traits, behaving appropriately, acting responsibly, i.e., school expectations
Positive Behavior Support - Reinforcement
Mariposa DOLLAR - Recognizes positive behavior by individual students. Students collect Mariposa Dollars and can be redeemed for prizes during our Monday Morning Raffle.
Mariposa CITIZEN - Monthly recognition of students who have demonstrated exemplary positive behavior. Students are nominated by their classroom teacher.
Behavioral Correction
Teachers are expected to manage their classroom and students. Each teacher in collaboration with her class develops a classroom behavior plan. Minor disruptions and behavior incidents will be handled by the teacher according to the plan enacted in the classroom. Consequences are clear, fair and appropriate to the misbehavior/harm.
Restorative Justice
Restorative Justice is a process to involve, to the extent possible, those who have a stake in a specific offense and to collectively identify and address harms, needs and obligations, in order to heal and put things right as possible.
Howard Zehr, The Little Book of Restorative Justice, 2002, p. 37.
At Mariposa-Nabi Primary Center we use Restorative Practices to repair harm. We use Restorative Practices because we believe in forgiveness in compassion - we hold individuals accountable for misbehavior, yet at the same time remain in touch with their humanity enough to believe in their capacity to be transformed.
Building Community
Restorative Justice Practices help Mariposa-Nabi Primary Center create and maintain a positive school culture and climate by:
- Celebrating Accomplishments
- Intervening in Offending Behavior
- Transforming Conflict
- Rebuilding Damaged Relationships
- Reintegrating Students in the Learning Environment

9 key restorative justice practices
1. Affective Statements
2. Restorative Justice Questions
3. Restorative Justice Language
4. Community Building Circles
5. Harm Circles
6. Restorative Conferences
7. Restorative Staff Community
8. Restorative Practices with Parents