Toy Loan Program
What is Toy Loan?
The Toy Loan Program is a free service which allows children to borrow toys from a Toy Loan Center in the same manner in which they borrow books from the public library. The Children borrow toys once a week. It is a voluntary community effort sponsored by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors and the Department of Public Social Services. There are many Toy Loan Centers throughout the Los Angeles County.
The Toy Loan Program also helps:
To develop a sense of responsibility in children through the observance of an honor code and merit system that gives praise and recognition when toys are returned on time and undamaged.
To foster positive attitudes in children by providing them an accepted means of obtaining toys.
To benefit children by keeping their spare time wholesomely occupied with a variety of toys.
To involve the adult and teenage community in the needs of youth in their areas through voluntary commitment of time and resources to assist the children.
The success of this concept has been demonstrated over the years and is supported by the fact that the majority of children who borrow toys from the centers return them in good condition and on time.